I say it like it is

Friday, April 30, 2010

frankly : shut up stupid

if you haven't noticed, i had deleted every single old entries i had ever wrote. and i had also made my blog public. well, i guess this will be the unofficial place for me to throw my opinion or whatever it is that i feel worth being exposed to the public without being bothered to censor myself too much(i still will like 50% will). well, sometimes i get into hot water for being so blunt and open minded. but lets just say, i don't give 2 fucks if you think i'm so or if you don't like me(or i guess i do, kinda). and i deleted all of the old entries cause let me see, i wrote them many many months or years ago. and at those time, i was pretty much a) immature or b)unable to censor the explicit content that will surely piss some people off. HEHEHE.. some stories are best left unsaid. and yeah, i think i'm contradicting myself a lil here but who cares? this is MY blog. so i'll say wtv i like. lol. eh, why do i always forget what i really wanna say? then remember them when i don't need it anymore? pish. ok WTV. i swear i think i'm kinda ditzy and bimbo-istic sometimes. i cannot help it. something is eating out my brain cells i guess? perhaps so.

omg, i'm pretty excited that i finally found this song that had been haunting me since a year ago. the song is called BARELY BREATHING by DUNCAN SHEIK. it's really good. and its from the 90's. i can't even begin to explain my obsessions with the 90's. music and everything about it. a lot of my fave songs are from that era. i suppose cause i was born in 90's? who knows. all i know is, i LOVE this song. go check it out at youtube.com or download it from 4shared.com. rohini, i KNOW you'll love it..
 plus, another song that i had recently heard is vintage AMY WINEHOUSE(which is circa 2004-2005) from her first debut album 'frank'. its called IN MY BED. she looks pretty hot in the MV which is a huge surprise if you look at her now. she's curvier and without her signature bee hive in the MV and damn, with her sexy voice, she manages to look really hot. and i salute her there.

other than that, today was a BIG PHEWWW!!! ah, i'm so so so tired. thanks to choir. it was SUPAR FUN! hahahaha.. and thanks to karishma, i realised that our choir response better when we're calmed down by a calm person and not yelled at at every 5 minutes. i know you ladies think the best way to handle some crazed-tired-but-semi-hyper girls is by screaming at us, but i swear we don't take screaming well. at least, our voice don't respond to screaming well. we sound nice and best when we're calm. and when you ladies are calm too. so please, please, please, CHILL MORE! and take it easy and learn the best way to teach is to not yell. we're not some singing robots. we're human. thank you very much. i know you mean well. heck, we all wanna win. but screaming ain't gonna do ya any favour.

and what else huh? nothing nothing nothing? actually there's tons of things to be said but really. i'm wayyyy lazy.. maybe tomorrow. when i'm not too tired.

oh, at here, i'll put my name as miss factor but you know who i am, so do i need to explain myself? nah bitches. you already know. but where on earth did i get that stupid name? from the make up max factor? tv show fear factor? or wtv factor? mathematics maybe? well, i dunno myself.. it just sounds kinda right. or maybe i should go with princess brat? is that too much? or or or...fuck it. miss factor sounds about right even if its pretty damn stupid. thank you very much : )

p/s the current love of my life, bit my arm. thanks baby. you make me fucking love you even more.