I say it like it is

Sunday, August 1, 2010

If Only You Would Dream a Little Dream of Me

i'd been so so moody lately. it's like i just wanna kill everyone around me. ok. maybe not literally. but i 'kinda' want to. HEHEHE. i'm so frustrated with a LOT of things. with myself, with 'him', with my studies, with my friends, with my family, etc etc etc. maybe i'm just PMS-ing or something? like a prelude to my period. LOL. maybe. cause i'm moody and i have some pimples. GRRRR... i hate this shit. and i'm so effing tired. ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME. i haven't revised anything at all except for add math which i do almost everyday but i'm still scared i'm gonna fail once again. oh well, point is, i'm scared of trials. its in approximately 15 days and i haven't finished anything AT ALL! god, have mercy! HELP ME!

boy wise. no progress. i KNEW IT. i'd seen it coming. i'm not doing anything much to help it either. maybe i should just like give up already?? yeah i should. i'm too chicken to smile at him let alone talk to him. i got no nerve. so i guess i should just let it go. whatever. i don't really need a guy now. although i would love to. if only he'll take some initiative to talk to me first. come on man! PLEASE. POR FAVOR. S'IL VOUS PLAIT. emm, i don't know what please is in cantonese so yeah. if only. hmph!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


god, i'm bored and sleepy. you know, we spend less than 24 hours researching for our debate competition?? and we did rather(KINDA) decently. i don't care about SMI. they got what they deserve. i think they did gazillion of research cause they seem really well prepared. the TCS girls. uhh.... yeah, we did 'stuff'. but i don't care. god, i stopped caring once the competition started. and especially so when shankarii fumbled. you know we're screwed if she herself is lost for words.. *sigh* it would have been nice to win. i could brag to my friends, go kl, meet new people. BUT i just cannot do anymore last minute research. i cannot write anymore god damn scripts. i just can't. so i'm terribly greatful that we lost. its a merciful thing to just release us from our misery. its fun while it lasted but i just can't do it anymore. its all SPM's fault really. eh, i'm in fear. we don't have much days left till the deadline is over and i'm screwed.. what had i studied??? what did i revised???? uhhhmmm.. uhhhmm.. oh, good night. i don't care anymore. me need sleep : P muahahaha

Friday, July 23, 2010

i feel like ranting after not blogging for awhile

sleepy and probably sad too. i dunno. mixed emotion??
there's this boy that i like in my tuition class but i don't know if its worth liking him. he's cute in my opinion. totally smart. and almost everything i want in a guy but the problem is, i dunno, maybe he already have a girlfriend. and i'm this loser pinning on him when he's happy with another girl. woah, ho ho, darling, you're such a loser. and urghh...i'm too shy to approach him. way too shy. i'll probably die first. i like to believe he has something for me too cause sometimes it looks like he's looking at me(maybe he thinks i'm weird?). but nah. maybe not. most probably not. i'm just a fool. a stupid stupid fool. so i pray that i'll meet someone who can make me happy. so i asked for the wrong thing. i should had said, i hope the person who will make me happy comes and talk to me. that's it. but now i have to wait another week. and honestly, i'm getting sick of waiting with no results.

to think about it, one of the most important event of my whole life is coming soon. the dreaded SPM. hahaha.. and i'd done nothing much to ensure that i'll get all A's. girl, what's wrong wit chu???????? maybe i don't care anymore? ugh, who am i kidding?? of course i effing care! it's the only chance for me to get out of this misery-land. if i do well, excel at the scholarship interviews, i'll have a huge chance of going out of this country. hell, going out of ipoh for starters is enough. i just wanna start afresh. a new life where i'm incharge! i'm sick of ipoh. not that i hate it. i actually like the small city appeal but lord, i just wanna see the world, expand my mind and feel happy and free.

contrary to what most people think, i actually believe that if i have a good supportive boyfriend now, i'll do better for SPM. cause then i have somebody to make me feel more calm and happy. ugh, i wish the boy will just talk to me. its pathetic. i'm pathetic. this is sad. lol. i can laugh and cry over it but i can't cause i'm fasting today so i'm saving my energy.

i like fasting. even though it kinda zaps my energy out for awhile, i feel good cause i don't eat too much. hahaha.. there's this girl at my school who seems to suffer from genuine anorexia or something. keep on fainting cause she just refuse to eat thinking she's fat when she's the size of a frigging tooth pick. uhm, maybe i should adopt some of that idea. lol. i could stand to lose some weight. maybe he thinks i'm totally fat, that's why he's staring at me all the time?? could be. perhaps. ughhh.... : ' (

Saturday, June 5, 2010

megan is only made-believe

just when i want to start declaring how much i really envy how amazing megan fox look like, here she goes and mess it up with this stupid pics of hers. she's on a holiday with her boyfriend and damn, you can finally tell for sure that she got at least one fake body part. everything else seems okay here. she maybe is a lil too thin for her body frame but that damn boobies are holy nasty.this pic is rather new btw. at least only a few days old.

compare those unfortunate pics with these older ones. she's almost flat here. no round bolt ons YET.

if you wanna get a boob job, at least get one that doesn't look ridiculously fake. what's worst? flapjack flat or round bolt ons that runs in 2 different direction? another naturally pretty girl ruined by plastic surgery. while we are at the topic of megan fox, i wanna post this pic of hers as a kid. classic.

yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's the fox as a child with unibrow and bad crooked teeth. and let's not forget the fox in her teens.

with her high school sweetheart

her high school pics

ah, she can actually look sweet and innocent. okay, i don't mind her teenage or childhood pics, people grow up, a lot of things (usually) becomes better. what bothers me is how fake she had became ever since she first started out in the industry. she's already pretty and then she went with the boob job and god knows what else. i didn't wanna believe it till i saw those latest pics of hers. what a dissapointment. now she just look, a lil too perfect and plastic fake. she's beautiful now. but she looks beautiful and real then.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

candice envy

warning!! the content below includes images that may offend some conservative reader. it is not safe for work (NSFW) period. unless your boss is cool about pictures of scantily clad hot babes. for the conservative readers, i suggest you just don't bother scrolling down and get the hell away from my blog. your opinion is not valued here. thank you very much.

hurm. right now i feel really fat. i AM fat so go figure. hahahaha. anyways, browsing as usual and came across some pics of candice swanepoel. i always thought she's pretty but her face is a lil bit funny looking to me. then i came across some polaroid of hers before she became famous and instantly i feel nauseous. cause she's so pretty naturally! i realised it now that she is really pretty. and of course, she has a nice body. super small waist and wide hips. i like that in a woman. small waist and wider hips. preferably with some nice boobs. but of course candice have some flaw! haha! she have no boobs to speak off. very small. but i still envy her body nevertheless. she make me wanna do sit ups right now. grrrr...

btw, if you're really confused on who's this candice swanepoel girl, my simplest answer will be she's a model. precisely, a VICTORIA SECRET ANGEL. which makes her very famous and HOT!

candice evolution.

when she first started out, she's this cute brunette. and i think she's most lovely here.

 and she went from this to dark blonde.

and finally to an overtly bleached blonde which i dislike cause she looks trampy and kinda skanky with it

however, she will occasionally have her dyed a more medium shade of blonde. honey-er or ashier which i think look good. better than the very bleached blonde which is yucky esp cause her root stands out. so dark compared to the really light blonde.

and of course, a slew of pic to illustrate my point that she have a great waist to hips ratio which to me equal to a totally enviable body.

last but not least.... close your eyes if you're a prude! ok not really. if you wanna see the uncensored version than just google it. thank you very much.

oh, i really want candice's waist and stomach. hehehehe.. call me candice if you wanna exchange body. i'll do it with pleasure

Saturday, May 15, 2010

puking pumpkin

warning!! : nasty and graphic shits(or specifically vomit) coming right up at ya : )

okay, ever since i had this health problem which i rather not discuss in detail cause its lame and nobody gives a shit bout it anyway, i had been having all sorts of stomach ache and nausea. and ugh.. vomiting. as of 12.49 am right now, i am unable to go to sleep due to the fact that i just vomited some coleslaw, a few slices of bread, 3 nuggets, a lot of water and ketchup and prolly some watermelon along the way. and who would have known they would leave my mouth with a nasty aftertaste?? nauseous much? didn't i mention i was gonna be all graphic about this? hahaha..

i'm tired as hell and yet i can't really rest cause my stomach is convulsed in pain. like its making a permanent wincing face. like this :

funny pic lol. and to distract myself from this 'pain' i'm blogging about it. is that a good distraction? to talk bout the very thing that i want to distract myself from? oh, whatever. and guess what? despite vomiting in the middle of the night when things are as quiet as hell, nobody noticed/heard me projectile vomit all over the bathroom floor.. excellent! now i know if i ever become a bulimic, nobody would suspect anything. hehehehe..

actually, looking at pictures of people vomiting makes me kinda more nauseous than ever. grrrr... like i can feel my bile rising up. see if it works for you. here are some pitchas!

this is what i did just now ^^

i wonder if my cat does this kinda of shit behind my back?? ^^

you know who you are! ^^

sooooo cute! puking pumpkin :D

i never knew this kind of pics even existed. well, with every new problem i face in my life, i find something new on the internet. convenient huh?? well, i think i'm gonna go try and get some god damn sleep. its like 1.15 am already. do we have school tomorrow?? cause i really don't know. grrr.. hope NOT.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

veronica without her archie

just as i was browsing through the net as usual, i found some pics of the veronicas. a pair of twin girl group of sort. their music is not too bad. but what i really love is their look and style. they look like gothic twins cause of their really pale skin and most often than not dark hair. that could be one of their appeal to me. but whatever. i just feel like posting some of their pics for the fun of it and as a style inspiration. maybe i AM really bored. i suppose i am. hahaha..

can i steal her dress please?? ^^


the blue jacket looks so so amazing ^^

i want those damned black shoes! both of them. and i don't mind the feathered LBD either. ^^

oh my, one of the sis looks like a mini goth version of amy winehouse. lol. but she's obviously hotter. i love the one on the left though. she's my fave. and her style is similar to mine too. her name is lisa. the other one is jessica. ^^

totally loving this pic! ^^

these were the days when they were not a bunch of toothpicks yet. ^^

i love the striped tights! if anyone knows where i can get it in ipoh, contact me! ^^

love both dresses. even the yellow one looks nice(that's rare from me, i hate anything yellow except bananas and cute oriental boys). although she can't seem to fill it out properly. i guess there are some perks to being curvy compared to being really flat. ^^

what jessica is wearing is so so cute. the clash of leopard print, stripes and polka dots seems to work here. i think the key is to keep the colours close to each other. hey, maybe i should try it sometimes? ^^

if only i can find a pic of these dresses from the front. its so sexy and gothic at the same time. totally my kind of thing! haha ^^

its official. i'm dressing up in dark colours only  from now on. not that i haven't already. its just that from now on, i'll wear MORE dark colours. hahahaha.. ^^

i want jessica's lace dress! ^^

 i'm digging their style. enough said. ^^