I say it like it is

Thursday, May 13, 2010

veronica without her archie

just as i was browsing through the net as usual, i found some pics of the veronicas. a pair of twin girl group of sort. their music is not too bad. but what i really love is their look and style. they look like gothic twins cause of their really pale skin and most often than not dark hair. that could be one of their appeal to me. but whatever. i just feel like posting some of their pics for the fun of it and as a style inspiration. maybe i AM really bored. i suppose i am. hahaha..

can i steal her dress please?? ^^


the blue jacket looks so so amazing ^^

i want those damned black shoes! both of them. and i don't mind the feathered LBD either. ^^

oh my, one of the sis looks like a mini goth version of amy winehouse. lol. but she's obviously hotter. i love the one on the left though. she's my fave. and her style is similar to mine too. her name is lisa. the other one is jessica. ^^

totally loving this pic! ^^

these were the days when they were not a bunch of toothpicks yet. ^^

i love the striped tights! if anyone knows where i can get it in ipoh, contact me! ^^

love both dresses. even the yellow one looks nice(that's rare from me, i hate anything yellow except bananas and cute oriental boys). although she can't seem to fill it out properly. i guess there are some perks to being curvy compared to being really flat. ^^

what jessica is wearing is so so cute. the clash of leopard print, stripes and polka dots seems to work here. i think the key is to keep the colours close to each other. hey, maybe i should try it sometimes? ^^

if only i can find a pic of these dresses from the front. its so sexy and gothic at the same time. totally my kind of thing! haha ^^

its official. i'm dressing up in dark colours only  from now on. not that i haven't already. its just that from now on, i'll wear MORE dark colours. hahahaha.. ^^

i want jessica's lace dress! ^^

 i'm digging their style. enough said. ^^

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